Tony’s new album “People Watching” was launched in January 2019. Use the links below to stream the tracks for free, buy high quality digital downloads or CDs with full colour artwork including biography, lyrics and photos.

Tony Burt has been an active musician, singer and performer for over 50 years. He has performed solo and with a variety of bands over this period and has learned and mastered many styles of music.
In recent years this experience has led to an impressive body of songwriting that combines thought provoking lyrics and imagery with memorable tunes.
Performed solo or with John Davis and Allyson Craigan as the Tony Burt Band, these songs manage to fascinate audiences with their power, at the same prompting participation in their compelling choruses.
A recent development sees Tony offering workshops on songwriting to promote sharing of experiences and methods between artists. This can be structured as a forum, which is essentially a question and answer session, or a more structured event covering resources, techniques and sources of inspiration.